How to Add Adsense Ads. to beta blogs
To add Adsense Ads. to beta blogs.............
Then login to your Adsense account and click on Adsense Setup. Click on type of Ad. you want to setup - Content, Link unit, Search unit or Referrals. MOST IMPORTANT LINK IN YOUR TEMPLATE SETTINGS is Download Full Template on Edit Html subtab of Template Tab.
At present you are allowed to add three Content Ads., One Link Unit, two Search units and four different Referal units per page. You should try to add Ads. so that most of them appear 'above the fold'. This is the amount of web page visible to the viewer on loading the page without having to scroll down. The best place for the Link unit is in the header as a single line containing 4-5 ad units. The right hand sidebar can hold one 'skyscraper' content unit with another in the left sidebar. This is if you have a three column template structure like this web page. The one big rectangle of content unit can go above the posts in the main column. You can add the search unit either in the posts column or in the sidebar. The referrals units can go in the sidebars at the bottom.
Follow the procedure till you come to the code for pasting in your site. Then login to Dashboard click on Layout under the name of your blog. Click on 'Add Page Element' in the sidebar and choose Html/ javascript option in the popup window. Copy the code for the Ad. from Adsense setup page and paste it into the Content area. Save changes.
To add the code in the main column of your blog. Click on 'Edit Html' Tab to open the Edit Template page. Let Expand widget templates box be unchecked. In Edit template field scroll down till you come to the code for the main column which is :
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<div id="main-wrapper">
<b:section class="main" id="main" maxwidgets="1" showaddelement="no"></b:section>
<b:widget id="Blog1" locked="false" title="Blog Posts" type="Blog"></b:widget>
In the above code change maxwidgets="1" to maxwidgets="2"
Also change showaddelement="no" to showaddelement="yes"
Save Template.
Now click Page Elements tab. The Add and arrange Page Elements page opens.
Here you can now see that Blog posts section has a Add Element link. Click it to open the choices page. Choose Html/Javascript option. CHOOSING HTML/JAVASCRIPT OPTION ENABLES YOU TO ADD CHANNEL INFO ALSO.
Copy and paste the Adsense code into the Content field. Save changes. This will place the Ad. on top of your posts. To place it below your posts go to Page Elements view and in the Blog Posts Section click and drag the Ad. to below the posts. To place one more Ad above the posts change maxwidgets="2" to maxwidgets="3" and repeat the above process. Refresh Cache. View Blog. Enjoy.
IMPORTANT ; Many readers have asked for a hack similar to Classic Blogger in which we could add Adsense Ads. within the body of the posts. louiss lim has a hack for this here. However this is done by altering part of the Adsense Ad. code which is against the TOS, so he has submitted it to Adsense for approval. Also it seems that only text Ads. can be added this way.
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